Auditing and other certification services


Statutory audit

An audit is a statutory control of the financial statements, accounting and administration of entities and foundations. Auditing is part of the company's control system and its primary function is to ensure that financial statements and other financial information give a true and fair view of the activities of the entity. Controlling administration and assessing operational risks, internal control and monitoring system are part of the audit.

What kind of service is auditing?

Although the auditor primarily serves the company and its owners, it also serves many other stakeholders. The purpose of an audit is to verify that the audited entity complies with its statutory obligations; auditing is legality control. A professional auditor carefully plans and performs the audit with the objective of providing reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the audited entity are free from material flaws and that the accounting is reliable.

At its best, an auditor is an independent and trustworthy partner for the company that helps to create a favourable business environment. Auditing creates peace of mind not only for the owners, but also for e.g. the financiers, partners, authorities and suppliers. In assessing the continuity and creditworthiness of an entity, audited financial statements are a reliable instrument for decision-making and may even be reflected in the cost of funding for a company. An audit significantly increases confidence in the accuracy of the financial statements.

In addition to auditing, other certification services include the so-called general control of historical financial information and other certification services related to e.g. future financial information. As an ancillary service, auditors serve clients by executing assignments concerning financial information without prior arrangement of actions such as, for example, auditing various accounts.

An auditor also issues various reports and statements on specific financial matters. Auditor's expertise and independent position are extensively used in various areas of the business.

How does an auditor work?

The auditor complies with the professional ethics principles and good auditing practice in the performance of the duties defined in the Auditing Act.

The auditor shall perform the duties with professionalism, integrity, objectivity and professional criticality, and taking public interest into account.

Why would you choose us?

We are part of the Nexia auditor team.

Our strength lies in the actual involvement of authorized auditors in the actual audit work. We get acquainted with the customer's business on a case-by-case basis and try to get real sense of it. We bring added value to the client and, in addition to statutory audits, we also carry out special audits and expert opinions. Our service is determined by quality, expertise and experience. We are happy to serve all communities and are currently welcoming new customers. Our clients are companies from small to large. We also have experience in companies with public interest and associations, foundations and housing companies.

We are also a member of the Nexia International network, whose internal quality control system ensures that our audit procedures are of good quality.

Auditing and other certification services – Contact us for more information - we are ready to assist

Please note, that the minimum fee for the first engagement by a new client is EUR 1000,00 (incl. General overhead expense).

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